Whole Archive:

Book Presentation – Josef Hrdlička and Mariana Machová (eds.): “Things in Poems” (2022)        
Lecture – Angelika Schmitt: Transgenerationales Gedächtnis und national-feministische Mystik
Lecture – Dubravka Đurić: "Hybridity, Violence, and War in Contemporary Post-Yugoslav Female Poetry"        
Lecture – Christian Metz: Poetic Thinking        
Book Presentation – Ralf Hertel and Peter Hühn: „English Poetry in Context: From the 16th to the 21st Century“ (2021)        
Book Presentation – Emilia Tkatschenko: „Gewalt und Dissoziation in der neueren deutsch- und russischsprachigen Lyrik“ (2021)        
Guest lecture – Joanna Krenz: Swatting Mosquitoes: Contemporary Child-Authored Poetry from China        
Guest lecture – David Malcolm: Forms of Meaning: Mimi Khalvati’s Poetry        
Presentation of the Website - Jurij Orlickij and Anna Orlickaja: "Антология русского свободного стиха"        
Guest lecture – Josef Hrdlička: "The Return of Old Poets"        
Guest Lecture – Robert Kaufman: What Was Commitment / Engagement / Compromiso? Critical Aesthetic Autonomy in César Vallejo, Marx & The Frankfurt School        
Guest lecture – Peter Hühn: "A Narratological Approach to the Analysis of Lyric Poems"        
Guest lecture – Anastasiya Osipova: "Tactile Communism: Keti Chukhrov’s Post-Soviet Dramatic Works and the Legacy of Soviet Defectology"         
Lecture – Olga Sokolova: "Linguistic pragmatics of contemporary poetry in the age of new media"        
Guest lecture – Hsiang-Yin Sasha Chen: "Metaphors and Metamorphosis of Life in Soviet, Taiwanese and Chinese 'Rock Poetry'"        
Lecture - Dr. Jakob Margolis: Язык русскоязычных поэтов XXI века. Сопоставительный анализ        
Guest lecture – Zhiyi Yang: "Avant-Garde Classisist Poetry in Chinese Cyberspace"        
Lecture – Vladimir Feshchenko: "Language writing: the American-Russian Transfers"        
Presentation of the Latest Publication: Contemporary Lyric Poetry in Transitions between Genres and Media        
Book Presentation – Natalia Fateeva: "Креативный потенциал языка современной русской поэзии" (2021)        
Guest lecture – Jaime Luis Huenún: "My Home Illuminated by Phantom Words: Poetic Dialogues from Mapuche Memory"        
Lecture – Matthias Fechner: "Zum Erfolg (oder Misserfolg) von Gegenwartslyrik in Regionalsprachen"        
Guest lecture – Michelle Yeh: Why Modern Chinese Poetry? – Challenges and Opportunities        
Book launch – Kirill Korchagin: "In Search of Totality" (В поисках тотальности. Статьи о новейшей русской поэзии) (2021)        
Presentation of the new publication – Juliana Kaminskaja: ...VERWANDLUNGEN... Zu Friederike Mayröckers "Scardanelli" und anderen Gedichten (2021)        
Presentation of the new publication – Jurij Orlickij: „Стихосложение новейшей русской поэзии“ (2020)        
Guest Lecture – Chris McCabe: "Poems from the Edge of Extinction"        
Guest lecture – Mandana Seyfeddinipur: "Saving Endangered Languages"        
Book launch - Olga Sokolova: "От авангарда к неоавангарду. Язык, субъективность, культурные переносы"        
Presentation of the new publication – Juliana Kaminskaja: Поэзия в пространстве немецкого языка. Лица, аспекты, явления. Петрозаводск: Издательский дом ПИН, 2021.        
Guest lecture – Andrew Goatly: "Metaphor and Communication: Creativity and Risk"        
Guest lecture – Carolin Führer / Marit Heuß: "Skeptische Dichtung über Lust, Liebe und soziale Systeme im 21. Jahrhundert"        
Guest lecture – David Malcolm: "Where the Sidewalk Ends: Modal Mixture and Its Functions in British Poetry and Prose"        
Lecture – Zhiyi Yang: "The Good, the Bad, the Ugly: A Topography of Chinese Classicist Poetry in Cyberspace"        
Guest lecture – Sylvia Sasse: "Performative Zensur. Performancekunst und die operativen Aktionen der Geheimdienste"        
Guest lecture – Alexandr Averbuch: "The Poetics of Palimpsest and Cultural Memory in Gali-Dana Singer’s Verse"        
Research report - Jakob Margolis: Количественный анализ словарей и транзита русскоязычной поэзии        
Guest lecture - Josephine von Zitzewitz: "Galina Rymbu, 'Moia vagina', June 2020"        
Guest lecture - Ella Mingazova: "Instapoetry: When Poetry Goes Viral"        
Lecture - Zhiyi Yang: "From Haiku to Doggerel: Zhou Zuoren’s Translation of the Transience"        
Guest lecture - Thomas Fliß: "Moderne taiwanesischsprachige Reimliteratur - am Beispiel von Kua-a Büchern"        
Reading and lecture about the magazine Vozduch 40/2020 - with Kirill Korchagin's new poems "And all this was a lie"        
Lecture – Frank Kraushaar: "Lockdown – Lüge – Lyrik: Chinesische Gegenwartslyrik in der virtuellen Öffentlichkeit 2000 – 2020"        
Guest lecture – Aleksandar Bošković: "Cinépoetry Ideology Converter: Constructivist Photomontages for Maiakovskii’s poem Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"        
Guest lecture – Prof. Dr. Peter Stein Larsen: "From Book Poetry to Digital Poetry"        
Guest lecture – Dr. Goutam Karmakar: "The Journey of Indian Poetry in English: A Brief Overview"        
Guest lecture – Herle-Christin Jessen: Lyrik und Gesellschaft. Poesie und Poetologie in Roberto Bolaños Gedichtband „Tres“ (2000)        
Guest lecture – Daniel Graziadei: "Verstehen, Missverstehen und Nichtverstehen in zeitgenössischer hispanoamerikanischer Dichtung"        
Guest lecture – Claudia Benthien and Norbert Gestring: "Lyrik in urbanen Räumen"        
Guest lecture – Dr. Kevin M.F. Platt: "Centering the Russian Poetic Avant-Garde on the European Periphery: Latvia’s Orbita Group"        
Guest lecture – Dr. Anna Glazova: "Current Trends and Internet Communities in Russian-language Literature"        
Guest lecture – Prof. Dr. Maghiel van Crevel: "Battlers‘ Poetry and Picun Literature: Chinese Poet Xiaohai"        
Lecture – Claus Telge: "Nature Poetry without Nature? Ecomimetic Readings"        
Guest lecture – Bernhard Schmalenbach: „Poetic expressions of disabled people – the example of autism spectrum disorders“        
Guest lecture and Reading – Daniel Jurjev: Translating Elena Švarc        
Video lecture - Massimo Maurizio: Беглые размышления о творчестве Германа Лукомникова 90-х гг.        
Video lecture - Alessandro Achilli: Changes of Kiev’s Image in Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry        
Video lecture - Leith Morton: “The Writing of Disaster: Literary Representations of War, Trauma and Earthquakes in Modern Japan”        
Cancelled: Guest Lecture - Winfried Menninghaus: „Empirical Aesthetics of Poetry“
Cancelled: Guest Lecture - Jean-Michel Maulpoix: "Les enjeux de la poésie actuelle en France"
Video lecture - Peter Hühn: Generic Extensions in Contemporary British Poetry        
Video lecture - Dubravka Djurić: Thinking about Poetry as Art in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic        
Video lecture - Mária Gyöngyösi: Friedrich Schiller and Russian Symbolism. The Critical Prose of V. Ivanov und A. Blok        
Video lecture - Galina Zalomkina: Psychedelic language in contemporary Russian poetry        
Video lecture - Natal’ja Fateeva: Особенности семантической сочетаемости в современной поэзии        
Guest lecture - Marius Henderson: "Crisis and Continuity: Spectra of Suffering in Contemporary Experimental North American Poetry"
Guest lecture - Kila van der Starre: "Poetry Off the Page. What Non-Book Poems Can Tell Us About Poetry in the 21st Century"
Guest lecture - Thomas Austenfeld – "Between Lyric and Epic: The Challenge of Walt Whitman"
Guest lecture - Bettina Kaibach: "Vertrackte Papirossen. Ein Werkstattbericht vom Übersetzen zeitgenössischer russischer Lyrik."
Presentation of the book project „A History of English Poetry in Selected Close Readings“
Guest lecture - Adalberto Müller – The Knowledge of Environment: Manoel de Barros and Amerindian Perspectivism
Guest lecture - Dr. des. Martīņš Laizāns: "Ars Poetica. Reloaded: Recent Trends in Latvian Poetry"
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Youn-Ock Kim: "Interkulturalität und Hybridität in den neueren Gedichten der koreanischen Lyrikerin Hyung-Jin Yoo"
Guest lecture - PD Dr. Herle Jessen: 'Instantane Architekturen'. Die Prosadichtung von Octavio Paz
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Tong Yali: "Grenzüberschreitende Lyriklandschaften"        
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Paul Bishop: "Traumdeutung bei Jung: Theorie des Traumes in der analytischen Psychologie anhand des Roten Buches"
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Angles: "Contemporary Japanese Poetry Goes Global"
Guest lecture - Dr. Peter Geist: "Nachbeben, Vorahnungen - Orientierungssonden in der deutschen Lyrik der neunziger Jahre"
Lecture – Dr. Frank Kraushaar & Dr. Huiru Liu: "Tiananmen vor der Geschichte"
Guest lecture - Hendrik Jackson: "Übersetzung zwischen Wildwuchs und Wahrheit"
Guest lecture - Margitt Lehbert: In Other Words… Thoughts on the Translation of Poetry
Guest Lecture - Maghiel van Crevel: "Poetry, Suicide, and Social Justice: China’s Migrant Worker Literature and Xu Lizhi"
Weekly Working Group Session, 08/05/2019
Guest lecture - Sara Landa: "Chinesisch-deutsche Lyriktransfers im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert"
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Frank Kraushaar & Dr. Huiru Liu: Und das bestirnte Firmament, im Kopf der pure Wahn. Neue chinesische Lyrik im virtuellen Raum: „Klassizismus 2.0“
Guest lecture - PD Dr. Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek: "Theorie der Hörgedichte"
Guest lecture - Xuan Yao: "Zur Konstruktion, ästhetischen Bedeutsamkeit sowie Beschränkung der visuellen Poesie in China und im deutschsprachigen Raum."        
Guest lecture - Dr. habil. Tomáš Glanc: "Die verborgene Poesie Pavel Pepperštejns"
Guest lecture - Dr. Herle-Christin Jessen: "Ästhetik und Entwicklung des Prosagedichts in der hispanophonen Moderne"
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Alexander Kartosia: Georgische Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts in guten und in schlechten Zeiten. Ein Überblick.
Guest lecture - Ketevan Megrelishvili: "Die Komplexität der Selbst(er)findung – poeta vates, ein Narr oder doch nur ein Autor? Die georgische Gegenwartslyrik im Dialog mit „Gestern“ und „Heute“ "
Guest lecture - Dr. Christian Quintes: „‘[E]in seltenes Tier’. Durs Grünbeins dramatisches Plädoyer für den Traum als Erlebnis“
Guest lecture - Sergej Zav’jalov: Поэзия как реконструкция речи тех, кем пренебрегла история
Guest lecture - Dr. Claude Fretz: Dreams in Shakespeare
Guest lecture - Xuan Yao: "Die Konstruktion, die ästhetische Bedeutsamkeit sowie Beschränkungen der visuellen Poesie in China und im deutschsprachigen Raum"
Guest lecture - Dr. Brigitte Obermayr: "Daten und Namen im Gedicht. Versuch zum »Datumsgedicht« zwischen Eigenlogik und Fremdbestimmung am Beispiel D.A. Prigov"
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Christoph Schöch: "Is Topic Modelling Poetry Possible?"
Lecture with demonstration: poetry in the art of writing
Discussion and reading with Takahashi Mutsuo in Berlin
Takahashi Mutsuo: Japanische Lyrik von innen – ein Werkstattbericht
Guest lecture - Prof. Peter Stein Larsen: The significance of Poetry in a Global and Digital Age
Guest lecture - Takahashi Mutsuo: Japanische Poesie gestern und heute
Guest lecture - Prof. Kiyomitsu Yui: "Multiple Modernities and Japan: Nagai Kafū and H. G. Wells"
Guest lecture - Prof. Noriyuki Inoue: "Der japanische Konstitutionalismus und die Grundwerte der EU"
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien: Lyrik im digitalen Zeitalter. Arbeitsfelder und methodische Zugänge.
Lea Schneider: Lecture and Poetry Reading in Trier
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kubin: Lyrik als Eilpost. Zur Situation der Dichtkunst heute
Guest lecture - Fang Chang’an, Part 2: 强力”原型与郭沫若的《女神》
Guest lecture - PD Dr. Dorota Kozicka: Dichtkunst als Pingpong-Spiel. Zum Streit um die hermetische Lyrik in Polen nach 1989.
Guest Lecture - Dr. Juliana Kaminskaja: Friederike Mayröcker. Worte und Zeichnungen eines wissenden Kindes
Guest lecture - Fang Chang’an, Part 1: 对新诗建构与发展问题的思考— —《新诗年选(一九一九年)》的现代诗学立场与诗歌史价值
Guest lecture - Prof. Dr. Hiroko Masumoto: Die Atomkatastrophe und ihre literarische Präsentation. Intertextualität und Paratext.
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Jurij Orlickij: Особенности стихосложения современной русской поэзии
Weekly Working Group Session 01/06/2022        
Weekly Working Group Session 07/07/2021         
Weekly Working Group Session 30/06/2021         
Weekly Working Group Session 16/06/2021        
Weekly Working Group Session 05/05/21        
Weekly Working Group Session 28/04/2021        
Weekly Working Group Session 28/04/2021        
Weekly Working Group Session 24/03/21         
Weekly Working Group Session 17/03/2021        
Weekly Working Group Session 10/03/21        
Weekly Working Group Session 03/03/2021         
Weekly Working Group Session 24/02/21        
AG-Sitzung 10/02/2021        
Weekly Working Group Session 27/01/21        
Weekly Working Group Session 09/12/20        
Weekly Working Group Session 02/12/20        
Weekly Working Group Session 11/11/20        
Weekly Working Group Session 10/06/20        
Weekly Working Group Session 05/02/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 29/01/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 22/01/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 15/01/2019
Weekly Working Group Session, 11/12/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 27/11/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 20/11/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 30/10/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 11/09/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 04/09/2019
Weekly Working Group Session, 10/07/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 03/07/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 26/06/2019
Weekly Working Group Session, 29/05/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 22/05/2019
Weekly Working Group Session, 08/05/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 24/04/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 10/04/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 20/03/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 13/03/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 06/02/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 30/01/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 23/01/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 16/01/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 19/01/2019
Weekly Working Group Session 12/12/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 21/11/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 07/11/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 24/10/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 17/10/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 10/10/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 26/09/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 19/09/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 12/09/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 10/07/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 04/07/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 27/06/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 20/06/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 06/06/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 30/05/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 09/05/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 02/05/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 25/04/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 18/04/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 11/04/2018
Weekly Working Group Session 29/11/2017
Symposium: Translating Contemporary Japanese Poetry        
Conference – "Поэзия мысли: от романтизма к современности. К 220-летию со дня рождения Е. А. Боратынского"
Cancelled: Workshop – "Hermeneutics and the Interpretation of Poetry. Theory and Practice Today."
Conference – "Contemporary Translation in Transition: Forms of Interactions, English, German and Russian Poetry"
Workshop – "Political Poetry in Contemporary Russia"
Roundtable – "German Poetry and the Challenges of the Anthropocene"
Conference – „Political Performativity in Contemporary Russian-Language Poetry“
Conference – „Poetry today in Europe and Latin America – parallels, interactions, translations“
Conference – Ähnlichkeit als Strukturkategorie der Lyrik. Perspektiven für die interkulturelle und komparatistische Literaturwissenschaft
Conference – “Transculturality in Eastern and Western Contexts“
Workshop – Transkulturelle versus nationale Lyrik
Conference – „A conversation about trees“ European nature poetry after 1945 / „Discorrere di alberi“ La poesia europea e la natura dopo il 1945
Conference – "Transition – A Paradigm of World Society in the 21st Century"
Conference – „Transition as Paradigm of World Poetry in the 21st Century?“
Workshop – „Exploring Sinophone Polyphony. Voices of Modern Literature in Taiwan“
Symposium – "New Horizons of Translation in Contemporary Poetry"
Workshop – "Transcultural Poetry"
Conference – «Язык русскоязычной поэзии конца XX – начала XXI века» / „The language of Russian poetry at the end of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century“
Conference – «Поэтика и поэтология языковых поисков в неподцензурной и актуальной поэзии» / „Language Seeking: Poetics and Poetology in Unofficial Poetry and Contemporary Poetry“
Conference – "Poetry and Existence"
Conference – "Nature in the Poetry and Philosophy of the Anthropocene. Between Diagnosis, Resistance and Therapy“
Conference – "Poetry and Transculturality in Asia and Europe"
"Die eigene Stimme finden". Seminar on contemporary poetry and autobiographical writing
Workshop - "The Concepts 'Textsubject' and 'abstract Author' in the Theory of the Lyric: pro et contra"
Conference - Пятая международная научная конференция «Мандельштам в современной поэзии: влияния, цитаты, переводы, интерпретации»
Conference - Двадцать третьи Сапгировские чтения «Сапгир и русская поэзия XX-XXI веков»
Workshop - Newer Russian Poetry: from Conceptualism to Political Partizipation and Performance Today
Conference - "The Young Marx: Philosophical Conceptions - Poetical Receptions"
Conference – "Poetry and Poetic Texts in the Japanese Culture"
Workshop – "Authorship, Subject Constitutions and Addressing Relations in Poetry"
Conference - Международная научная конференция "Гаспаровские чтения"
Conference - 22-я Международная научная конференция "Феномен заглавия"
Festival - XХV Международный фестиваль верлибра
Conference - VIII научная конференция "Литература и искусcтво в фокусе гуманитарных наук"
Workshops in Tokio und Kobe
Conference - Вторые Григорьевские чтения "Неология как проблема лингвистической поэтики"
Conference - "Poetry and Cognition"
Biennal - „China in Contemporary Poetry“
Congress – Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies ( Panels "Russian Metaphysical Poetry at the End of the 20th Century" / "The Media Politics of Russian Digital Poetry“ )
German-Japanese DFG Symposium – „Cultures in Translation: World History – World Literature – World Society. Japan, Germany and the World in Transcultural Comparison“ (Panel Weltlyrik)
German Slavic Congress in Trier – “Poetry in Transition” (stream with five panels)
Conference - The Between-ness of Lyric / L’entre-deux lyrique (Stream "Lyric Genres in Transition")
Conference - "16th Convention of the Young Forum of Slavic Literature Studies" (Panel "Contemporary Russian Language Poetry in Transition")
Conference - "Языковые механизмы и лингвистические технологии культурного трансфера" (panel "Культурный трансфер в современной русской поэзии")
Conference - 22nd Biennal of the EACS in Glasgow (panel "Transition and Continuity: Chinese Old Style Poetry in the Contemporary World")
Conference - 16th International Congress of Slavists in Belgrad (panel "Poetry and New Media")
Conference - International MAG Convention “The Image of the Self” (panels and roundtable)
Conference - AATSEEL (Stream "Russian-Language Poetry in Transition")
Lecture – Christian Lehnert: "opus 8. Im Flechtwerk"        
Poetry Lecture – Christian Lehnert: "Baumgespräche. Die natürliche Welt im Gedicht"
Book Presentation – Jelena Schwarz: "Buch auf der Fensterbank und andere Gedichte" (2022), translated by Daniel Jurjew
Lecture – Oleksandr Averbuch: "Zhydivs'kyi korol" ("Dukh i Litera", 2021)        
Lecture – Oleh Kotsarev: "Länder, in denen kein Krieg ist"        
Ukraine: Lyric Voices from the War 2014 and 2022
Poetry Reading from Ukraine – Iya Kiva, Oleh Kotsarev, Maria Galina        
Poetry of Our Neighbours - "Unter der dünnen Mondsichel. Gedichte aus Schottland"
Lesung mit Olga Tokarczuk (in Kooperation mit dem Eifel-Literatur-Festival)
Alban Nikolai Herbst – Reading: "Form & Schönheit"        
World Poetry Day - Hosted by World Poetry Center at Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Biennale of Poets
‹ la langue baleine ›. Die Sprache zwischen Herkunfts- und Ankunftsland. Lesung mit Jean Portante        
«Ду Фу. Проект Наталии Азаровой», Москва, О.Г.И., 2021 – презентация новой книги        
Alexandr Averbuch – Reading: "Свидетельство четвертого лица"        
Reading with Tzveta Sofronieva: "Multiverse. Eine Ästhetik des Anthropozäns."        
Reading – Anja Utler's poetry collection: "kommen sehen. Lobgesang."        
Durs Grünbein - Reading from the Atelier        
Reading and lecture about the magazine Vozduch 40/2020 - with Kirill Korchagin's new poems "And all this was a lie"        
Guest lecture and Reading – Daniel Jurjev: Translating Elena Švarc        
Video lecture - Willem Weststeijn: Translation into Dutch – Chlebnikov’s «Народ поднял верховный жезел»        
Video lecture - Polish translation of Coming Home (还乡 / Powrót do domu, 2017) by Chinese poet Li Hao 李浩        
Reading – "Die Maulposaune. Gedichte aus Italien"
Poetry reading: „Erdkunde“ – Erkundung von Welt in der europäischen Gegenwartslyrik.
Poetry reading with Marion Poschmann and Gerhard Falkner: "Geliehene Landschaften - Schorfheide."
Poetry reading with Sergej Zav’jalov: Рождественский пост. Ленинград, 1941: Взглянуть в немигающие глаза беды.
Reading with Matthias Fechner, Hendrik Jackson, Ute Schenk and Anton Wolf: Zur schulischen Bildung des poetischen Sinns
Poetry Reading: "Deine Angst – Dein Paradies. Gedichte aus Syrien"
Reading with Vjačeslav Kuprijanov
Reading and Performance with Lev Rubinštejn and Roman Osminkin: Lyrik in Aktion.
Discussion and reading with Takahashi Mutsuo in Berlin
Contribution to the summer festival of the University of Trier
Poetry reading with Takahashi Mutsuo: Als wär’s gestern gewesen – Mein Griechenland.
Reading of Haitian authors in Trier with James Noël
Poetry readings with Gerhard Falkner and Sergej Birjukov
Lea Schneider: Lecture and Poetry Reading in Trier
Reading and Presentation of modern japanese Poetry (Tanka) by Wakayama Bokusui
Poetry Reading with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kubin: In fremden Gärten
Reading with Prof. Dr. Eduard Klopfenstein: Haiku. Gedichte aus fünf Jahrhunderten.
Poems from Serbia: Поезиja суседа - Gedichte aus Serbien
Poetry from Ukraine - Poetry reading with Anastasia Dmitruk
Ukraine: The war and its historical background (lecture and eyewitness report)
Online Seminar: Russian Literary History: Метареализм Алексея Парщикова и Аркадия Драгомощенко        
Online Seminar: Russian Literary History: Иосиф Бродский и традиция петербургского поэтического андеграунда        
Online Seminar: Russian Literary History: Лианозовская школа в контексте русской неподцензурной культуры середины ХХ века        
Online Seminar: Russian Literary History: Группа "Филологическая школа"        
Ringvorlesung – Matthias Fechner: Vorsprung durch Lyrik? Zur gesellschaftlichen Wirksamkeit des Kreativen Schreibens        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Mikhail Odesskiy: "«Новая драма» в конце 2010-х годов"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Juliana Kaminskaja: "Tendenzen der russischen Literatur nach 2000. Pavel Sanaev: Begrabt mich hinter der Fußleiste / Павел Санаев: Похороните меня за плинтусом (2007)"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Ljudmila Zubova: "Поэтика Марии Степановой"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Mikhail Odesskiy: "«Новая драма» на рубеже тысячелетий"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Ljudmila Zubova: "Поэтика Евгения Клюева"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Maxim Krongaus: "Сетевая поэзия: фольклор или литература?"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Juliana Kaminskaja: "Tendenzen der russischen Literatur nach 2000. Alexej Slapovskij: Das Formular / Алексей Слаповский: Анкета(2000)"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Jurij Orlickij: "Русский верлибр 1960-1970 и его лидеры"        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Jurij Orlickij: "Поэзия Сапгира"        
Online Seminar: Russian Literary History        
Lecture Series: Russian Literary History – Maxim Krongaus: "Юмор в сетевой поэзии"        
Public lecture series - Monika Rinck: ‘Tür auf – Tür zu – Tür aufʼ – Wiederholung zwischen Ideologie und Operette
Public lecture series - Ann Cotten: Kalifornische Erkundungen
Public lecture series - Yoko Tawada: Von Metaphernwäldern und flüchtigen Abenden
Public lecture series - Michael Schmidt: “Messengers with news of light“: Poetry from three perspectives
Public lecture series – Yang Lian: Konzentrische Kreise
Public lecture series - Ol’ga Martynova: Wie (un)persönlich ist die Sprache?
Public lecture series - "Lyrik heute: Existenz zwischen Sprachen und Kulturen"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" – Prof. Dr. Christian Soffel: "Wissensräume in Transition – Zur rhapsodischen Dichterkunst aus China"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" – Prof. Dr. Ljudmila Zubova: "Грамматические аспекты литературы. Исследование материала современной русской поэзии"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" – Prof. Dr. Leith Morton: "Contemporary Japanese Poetry: The female voice Prof. Dr."
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" – Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zymner: "Eine Globalgeschichte der Lyrik"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" – Ralph Müller: "Expressivität und Erfahrung. Wozu Lyrik lesen?"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" – Dr. Massimo Maurizio: "Лиричность в контексте синкретических форм в современной русской поэзии (на примере С. Тимофеева и Андрея Сен-Сенькова)"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" - Dr. Mikhail Pavlovets: "Die Leer-, Zero- und Vakuum-Texte und das Prinzip der creative distruction in der russischsprachigen Dichtung der Avant-Garde"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" - Prof. Dr. Keijiro Suga: Poetry and Rewilding. Poetry and the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" – Dr. Peter Geist: "Ahnung? Erkenntnis? Antizipatorisches in der DDR-Lyrik der Vor-Wende-Zeit"
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" - Prof. Dr. Frank Кraushaar: „Von der Virtualität des Klassischen. Einige Übersetzungsprobleme vom Chinesischen ins Deutsche. Und was davon übrig bleibt, wenn sie gelöst sind“
Lecture Series "Writing Poetry today" - Prof Dr. Henrieke Stahl: "Transkulturelle Lyrik in der Gegenwart."
Lecture Series - Writing Poetry today - between communication and experiment
Petersburg – a poetic city tour ( Part 2 ) / Прогулки по поэтическому Петербургу         
Petersburg – a poetic city tour ( Part 1 ) / Прогулки по поэтическому Петербургу         
Petersburg - a poetic city tour ( Part 2 ) / Прогулки по поэтическому Петербургу        
Petersburg - a poetic city tour ( Part 1 ) [Прогулки по поэтическому Петербургу]        
Poetry Film – Yoko Tawada: "Hamlet no see"        
Theatre Lecture: Музыка из слов: ПОЭЗИЯ
Poetry Film: Gennadij Ajgi: Silence / Тишина        
Lyrical Performance at the German Slavic Congress
Opening ceremony of the conference „Natur in der Lyrik und Philosophie des Anthropozäns: zwischen Diagnose, Widerstand und Therapie“
Poetry-Film - Dance performance: Poetry from Russia and Chuvashia        
Performance: Light Shadow Poem from the 16th Conference of the Young Forum Slavic Literary Studies
Lyrik-Performance beim Neujahrsempfang
Christmas Party - Poetic-Musical Evening with Jurij Orlickij: "Still Waters"
Reading and Performance with Lev Rubinštejn and Roman Osminkin: Lyrik in Aktion.
Concert „Dialogue of music and poetry“
Musically poetic performance with the poet Yang Xiaobin
Contribution to the summer festival of the University of Trier
Opening ceremony with Gerhart Baum
Presentation to the Science Council
Lyrik-Performance beim Neujahrsempfang