FOR 2603 2017 – 2023
Die DFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Russischsprachige Lyrik in Transition“ (FOR 2603) lädt Sie herzlich ein zum Gastvortrag von Frau Kila van der Starre (Uetrecht, Niederlande): „Poetry Off the Page. What Non-Book Poems Can Tell Us About Poetry in the 21st Century’“
Poetry is everywhere. On social media, in the public area, on the radio and tv, in newspapers, in bars and more. People read poems in books, but most poetry experiences happen off the page. What can non-book poems tell us about poetry in the 21st century? How do people use poetry in their everyday lives? And in which ways does the material carrier of poetry play a role in what poems mean?
Kila van der Starre is a Dutch-British literary scholar and poetry critic. At the moment, she is finishing off her dissertation at Utrecht University, about ‘poetry off the page’ in the Netherlands and Flanders. She is interested in all the ways people use poetry in their everyday lives.
Mittwoch, den 29. Januar 2020
16-18 Uhr
Universität Trier, Raum DM 131
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