FOR 2603 2017 – 2023
Presentation of the new publication: Kirill Korchagin: „In Search of Totality“ (В поисках тотальности. Статьи о новейшей русской поэзии) (2021).
Moderator: Henrieke Stahl
Abstract: Kirill Korchagin’s „In Search of Totality“ (В поисках тотальности) brings together articles about Russian poetry from the 1990s to the 2010s that were written over a period of ten years. The author considers contemporary Russian poetry through the prism of the processes taking place in culture and society in the last thirty years. As the author supposes, the poetry of this period has been at the avant-garde of the cultural movement and has extensively developed new ways of feeling and understanding global modernity. While talking about Russian poetry, the author turns to the concept of totality to show how, through the poetic word, phenomena that normally exist at a distance from one another are connected. Although this concept dates back to the practice of the avant-garde of the early twentieth century, it turns out to be important for new poets as well. Among the poets analyzed in the book are Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Mikhail Eremin, Shamsad Abdullaed, Polina Barskova, Serguey Zavyalov, Ekaterina Sokolova, Kirill Medvedev, Stanislav Lvovskii, Natalia Azarova, Oleg Yuryev, Maria Stepanova, Dmitrii Kuzmin, and others.
Kirill Korchagin (Moscow). Senior Research Fellow in Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Candidate of Philology. Co-founder of the Poetry Subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus. Co-author of the “Poezia” textbook. Co-editor of “Vozdukh” poetry magazine. Editor, Department of “Chronicles of Scientific Life” and executive secretary of “New Literary Observer” (2010–2018). Book of the Year Award in the category “Textbook of the XXI century” as co-author of the textbook “Poezia” (2016). Andrey Bely Prize in the category “Literary Projects and Criticism” for a series of articles on contemporary literature (2013).