Vorlesungsreihe, 15. Mai 2018

Vorlesungsreihe Gedichte schreiben heute – Prof. Dr. Keijiro Suga: „Poetry and Rewilding. Poetry and the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011“

15. Mai 2018, 18:00 - 20:00
Universität Trier, A 7 (A-Gebäude)
Keijiro Suga

Die DFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Russischsprachige Lyrik in Transition“ (FOR 2603) lädt Sie herzlich zur Vorlesungsreihe zum Thema: Gedichte schreiben heute: zwischen Kommunikation und Experiment ein: Vorlesung von Prof. Dr. Keijiro Suga (Meiji University, Tokyo): Poetry and Rewilding. Poetry and the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011.


He will talk about his own poetry and the general situation after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, with some references to the notion of rewilding. He will show a 20-minutes documentary film he made with friends on wildlife in Fukushima.

Keijiro Suga (b. 1958) is a Tokyo-based poet and critic. He has his B.A. in French Studies from the University of Tokyo, M.A. in comparative literature from the University of New Mexico, and was a Candidate in Philosophy in comparative literature (French, English, and cultural anthropology) at the University of Washington (Seattle) when he took up a teaching position at Meiji University in 2000. He has also lived in São Paulo, Honolulu, Tucson, and Auckland. He is currently professor of critical theory at the School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, where he founded the graduate program in Places, Arts, and Consciousness.

He has published ten books of critical essays and travelogues of which Transversal Journeys was awarded the Yomiuri Prize for Literature, one of the most prestigious literary prizes in Japan, in 2011. He has also published five collections of poetry, Numbers and Twilight (2017) being the latest. A selection from his tetralogy Agend’Ars (2010-2013) was translated in Spanish and published as a book in Mexico (Cuadrivio, 2015). His poems have been translated in English, French, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Albanian, Chinese and he has been invited to read at literary festivals and universities at many occasions.

He is also a prolific translator from English, French, and Spanish in the human sciences and literature. Among his more than thirty translations are: Poétique de la Relation by Edouard Glissant, La vie scélérate by Maryse Condé, La fête chantée and Raga by J.M.G. Le Clézio, Le postmoderne expliqué aux enfants by Jean-François Lyotard, At the Bottom of the River by Jamaica Kincaid, Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender, El árbol del conocimiento by Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, Paula by Isabel Allende.



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Vorlesungsreihe – Gedichte schreiben heute: zwischen Kommunikation und Experiment

Vorlesungsreihe – Gedichte schreiben heute: zwischen Kommunikation und Experiment.

17.04.2018 – 10.07.2018, 7 (A-Gebäude), Universität Trier


17.04. Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl (Universität Trier) Transkulturelle Lyrik in der Gegenwart
24.04 Prof. Dr. Frank Кraushaar (Universität Riga) Von der Virtualität des Klassischen. Einige Übersetzungsprobleme vom Chinesischen ins Deutsche. Und was davon übrig bleibt, wenn sie gelöst sind.
08.05. Dr. Peter Geist (Sächsische Akademie der Künste) Ahnung? Erkenntnis? Antizipatorisches in der DDR-Lyrik der Vor-Wende-Zeit
15.05. Prof. Dr. Keijiro Suga Poetry and Rewilding. Poetry and the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011
29.05. Dr. Mikhail Pavlovets (Higher School of Economy, Moskau) Die Leer-, Zero- und Vakuum-Texte und das Prinzip der creative distruction in russischsprachiger Dichtung von Avant-Garde
05.06. Dr. Massimo Maurizio (Università di Torino) Лиричность в контексте синкретических форм в современной русской поэзии (на примере С. ТИМОФЕЕВА и андрея Сен-Сенькова)
12.06. Prof. Ralph Müller (Universität Trier Expressivität und Erfahrung. Wozu Lyrik lesen?
19.06. Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zymner (Universität Wuppertal)  Eine Globalgeschichte der Lyrik
26.06. Prof. Dr. Leith Morton  Contemporary Japanese Poetry: The female voice.
03.07. Dr. Ljudmila Zubova (Staatl. Universität St. Petersburg)  Грамматические аспекты литературы. Исследование материала современной русской поэзии.
10.07. Prof. Dr. Christian Soffel (Universität Trier)  Wissensräume in Transition – Zur rhapsodischen Dichtkunst aus China.