Publication from 30/08/2021

IZfK Vol. 4 (2021): Nature in Transition: European Lyric after 1945

Michael Braun, Henrieke Stahl, Amelia Valtolina
ISSN 2698-4938

IZfK (2021, Vol 4): Nature in Transition: European Lyric after 1945, edited by Ralph Müller and Henrieke Stahl



Even if the category of nature in the poem has lost its innocence since 1945, speaking about natural phenomena and natural disasters retains its inspirational effect upon poets and readers. In the conversation taking place from poem to poem and between poetry and its readers, nature continues to provide a basis for knowledge, including politically and ideologically. The transition of poetic forms that have shaped the image of nature for centuries also plays a telling role: the post-1945 nature poem draws again and again from the rhetorical reservoir of the genre, whether from the didactic poem derived from Lucretius or from the idyll of the classical tradition. Recent nature poetry questions the foundations of the Anthropocene, beyond lyricism and beyond well-honed ecocriticism. From a variety of perspectives, the contributions to this special issue of IZfK examine these transitions and transformations in the category of nature and the nature lyric in post-1945 European poetry. How can we speak poetically – and, by extension, politically – about nature in light of the ecological “modes of death” proliferating in the 21st century? What influence do the natural sciences have on new nature writing? By what means are classical genres of nature poetry such as “Elementargedicht”, pastoral, bucolic, and didactic poems being rewritten?

  • Michael Braun, Henrieke Stahl, Amelia Valtolina: Zum Geleit: Natur in Transition: Europäische Lyrik nach 1945
  • Jan Söffner: Was wäre möglich, wenn die Poesie noch möglich wäre? Und was hätte die Natur damit zu tun? Zeitgemäße Annäherungen an Eugenio Montale
  • Camilla Miglio: Engführungen. Celans etho-poetisches Schreiben „nach“ (und als Teil) der Natur. Ein Essay
  • Lorella Bosco: „De rerum natura“: Fortschreibungsmodi des Lehrgedichts in der deutschsprachigen Naturlyrik der Gegenwart
  • Michael Braun: Die Natur der Musen: Loreley-Gedichte von Franz Josef Czernin, Ulla Hahn, Uwe Kolbe und Peter Rühmkorf 
  • Friederike Reents: „da draußen weiter horrorvideo“. Über die Idylle in der ,neuen Naturlyrik‘ am Beispiel von Thomas Kling 
  • Jürgen Ritte: Brechende Wellen, gebrochene Sprache. Die Natur in der Lyrik Jean Kriers
  • Stefano Rozzoni: Affecting Pastoral Dialogues: An Ecocritical Reading of Seamus Heaney’s Eclogues in “Electric Light” (2001)