FOR 2603 2017 – 2023
Key Publications:
Aisthetik und Exotismus in Literatur und Kultur vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert [in preparation].
Die Möglichkeit, dass alles auch ganz anders sein könnte. Geschlechterverfremdungen in Theatertexten der Gegenwart. Wuerzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2015.
With Natalia Filatkina: »Angstkonstruktionen. Interdisziplinäre Annährungen an eine Zeitdiagnose«, in: Franziska Bergmann and Natalia Filatkina (eds.): Angst! Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter 2021 [submitted for publication].
»Vom poetischen Potenzial falscher Freunde. Zweisprachige Ähnlichkeitsrelationen in der Lyrik Uljana Wolfs«, in: Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik/International Journal for Comparative Cultural Studies 3 (2) [in print]
»Compassion Economies and Skin Color in Friedrich Schiller’s Fiesco’s Conspiracy at Genoa«, transl. by N.D. Jones, in: Priscilla Layne and Lily Tonger-Erk (Eds.): Staging Blackness. Representations of Race in German-Speaking Drama and Theater. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2021 [in print].
»Mitleidsökonomien in Friedrich Schillers Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua«, in: Priscilla Layne and Lily Tonger-Erk (eds.): Staging Blackness. Representations of Race in German-Speaking Drama and Theater. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2020 [submitted for publication].
»Der Hofmarschall von Kalb als Karikatur der Aristokratie. Neue didaktische Perspektiven für die Lektüre von Schillers bürgerlichem Trauerspiel Kabale und Liebe«, in: Michael Hofmann, Sigrid Thielking and Miriam Esau (eds.): Neue Perspektiven einer kulturwissenschaftlich orientierten Literaturdidaktik. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2021 [in print].
»Ästhetische Ambiguitätstoleranz. Robert Müllers Roman Tropen. Der Mythos der Reise. Urkunden eines deutschen Ingenieurs (1915)«, in: Sebastian Meixner (ed.): Ambiguität und Ambivalenz. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2019 [peer reviewed; in print].
»Goethe/Morgenröte – Reimspiele und Ähnlichkeitsrelationen im West-östlichen Divan«, in: Matthias Bauer and Iulia-Karin Patrut (Eds.): Lektüren der Ähnlichkeit um 1800. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2019 [in print].
»Der Duft der großen weiten Welt. Olfaktorik und exotistisches Fernweh in Gustav Freytags Soll und Haben und Theodor Fontanes L’Adultera«, in: Irmtraud Hnilica, Malte Kleinwort and Patrick Ramponi (eds.): Fernweh nach der Romantik. Begriff – Diskurs – Phänomen. Freiburg: Rombach 2017, pp. 39–52.
»Zur Produktivität eines kulturvergleichenden Ähnlichkeitsdenkens. Yoko Tawadas Gedicht Die Orangerie«, in: Henrieke Stahl and Hermann Korte (Eds.): Gedichte schreiben in Zeiten der Umbrüche. Tendenzen der Lyrik seit 1989 in Russland und Deutschland. Munich: Biblion 2016, pp. 663–676.
»Black Empowerment und Siegfried. Zur Korrektur eines wagnerschen Heldenmythos in Quentin Tarantinos Django Unchained«, in: Stefan Börnchen, Georg Mein and Elisabeth Strowick (Eds.): Jenseits von Bayreuth. Richard Wagner heute. Munich: Fink 2014, pp. 297–312
A complete list of publications can be found here.
Education and Degrees:
04/01/2017 – Positive interim evaluation of the Junior Professorship.
12/07/2012 – PhD in German Literary Studies at the University of Trier (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Franziska Schößler, University of Trier, and Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, Eberhard Karls-University of Tuebingen, awarded the highest distinction, “summa cum laude”).
09/2008–04/2011 – PhD scholarship by the German National Scholarship Foundation.
04/2008–08/2008 – PhD scholarship from the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg.
12/28/2006 – MA in German Studies/Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte, English, and Gender Studies at the Albert Ludwigs-University of Freiburg (overall mark: 1,1; graduated with the highest distinction, “sehr gut”).
Professional Experience:
10/2018–03/2020 – Feodor Lynen Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Oxford, UK (host: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Terence James Reed, Queen’s College, https://www.mod-langs.ox.ac.uk/people/franziska-bergmann).
since 03/2017 – Deputy Spokesperson of the DFG-Centre for Advanced Studies Poetic Forms – Addressing Boundaries of Genre, Language, and Culture across Europe, Asia, and the Americas (FOR 2603) at the University of Trier.
since 06/2014 – Director (with Prof. Dr. Andrea Geier) of the Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) at the University of Trier.
since 04/2014 – Junior Professor (w/o tenure track) for Intercultural Gender-Studies at the Department of German Studies at the University of Trier.
08/2013–03/2014 – Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of German Studies.
10/2012–03/2013 – Teaching Assistant at the University of Salzburg, Austria, gendup – Centre for Gender Studies.
10/2010–03/2014 – Teaching Assistant at the Eberhard Karls-University of Tuebingen, Department of German Studies.
04/2009–10/2012 – Research Assistant at the Tuebinger Poetik-Dozentur (organized by Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich), Eberhard Karls-University of Tuebingen, Department of German Studies.
04/2008–09/2010 – Associated Member of the PhD network Abgrenzung –
Ausgrenzung – Entgrenzung: Gender als Prozess und Resultat von Grenzziehungen at the Eberhard Karls-University of Tuebingen.
04/2007–03/2008 – Teaching Assistant at the Albert Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Centre for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG).
04/2006–03/2007 – UG Teaching Assistant (Tutor) at the Albert Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Centre for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG).
06/2003–02/2007 – UG Research Assistant (SHK) at the Albert Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Centre for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG).
Awards, Scholarships and Third Party Funding (selection)
2018–2020 – Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship for experienced researchers (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at the University of Oxford, UK (host: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Terence James Reed, Queen’s College).
since 03/2017 – Deputy Spokesperson of the DFG-Centre for Advanced Studies Poetic Forms – Addressing Boundaries of Genre, Language, and Culture across Europe, Asia, and the Americas (FOR 2603) (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl, Slavistik, University of Trier; funding amount: 5,000,000 €; funding period: 10/2017–09/2021).
2017–2019 – Selected as a fellow for the programme Fast Track: Exzellenz und Führungskompetenz für Wissenschaftlerinnen auf der Überholspur of the Robert Bosch Foundation.
11/2016 – Teaching award 2016 of the University of Trier (Faculty II) for two courses:
1.) MA course: Einführung in die Gender Studies und Interkulturalitätsforschung (WT 2015/16) and
2.) BA course: Die Dramenästhetik Friedrich Schillers (ST 2016).
11/2014 – International and interdisciplinary DAAD-University Partnership Project Deutschland, Japan, Russland heute: Formen kultureller Begegnungen in der Gegenwartslyrik (in cooperation with the Russian Studies Department and the Japanese Studies Department at the University of Trier, Germany, as well as the German Studies Departments at Waseda University Tokyo and State University of Kobe, Japan) (co-applicant and principal investigator, funding amount: 51,025 €, funding period: 2015–2016).
11/13 – Funding by the Univerity of Duisburg-Essen Programme to promote junior scholars with the project Sensualität und Exotismus in der Literatur des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts (funding amount: 17,600 €; funding period: 2014–2015).
06/2013 – Offer of a Postdoc Scholarship from the Junior Scholar Initiative of the University of Hamburg (rejected).
02/13 – DFG funding for an international conference co-organized with Dr. Lily Tonger-Erk (University of Tuebingen) on Ein starker Abgang. Inszenierungen des Abtretens in Drama und Theater (21st–22nd of February 2013, University of Tuebingen; funding amount: 5,000 €).
09/2008–04/2011 – PhD scholarship by the The German National Scholarship Foundation.
04/08–09/08 – Grafög-PhD grant of LGFG Baden-Wuerttemberg.