FOR 2603 2017 – 2023
Prof. Dr. Christian Soffel
Senior Researcher
- F1 – Transition of genre/genres
- Chinese Cultural and Intellectual History
- Confucianism since the 12th century
- Traditional Chinese Literature
- Confucian Canon Studies
An abstract can be found here.
Here you can find a full list of Prof. Soffel’s publications.
Current Positions
since August 2012: Full Professor for Sinology at University of Trier, Germany
Chairman German Association of Chinese Studies (Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien, DVCS)
Board Member and Vice Chairman of the German Confucian Society (Deutsche Konfuzianische Gesellschaft, DKG)
Academic Qualifications and Employments
January 2011: Habilitation at Munich University in Sinology. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Roderich Ptak, Prof. Dr. Hans van Ess, Prof. Dr. Peter Pörtner. Thesis Title: Vom Alttext/Neutext-Streit zu Zhu Xi: Die Entwicklung der Gelehrsamkeit von Qian Mu (From the Old-Text/New-Text Controversy to Zhu Xi – The Development of Qian Mu’s Scholarship)
April to August 2012: Visiting Professor for Sinology at University of Trier, Germany
Dezember 2004 to August 2012: Assistant professor („Wissenschaftlicher Assistent”) at the Institute for Sinology, University of Munich
August 2002 to August 2004: Faculty Associate at Arizona State University (Tempe AZ, USA)
February 19 2001: Ph. D. in Sinology (major), Slavic Studies and Mathematics (minors) University of Munich. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Roderich Ptak. Thesis Title: Ein Universalgelehrter verarbeitet das Ende seiner Dynastie – Eine Exegese des Kunxue Jiwen von Wang Yinglin (How An Universal Scholar is Dealing with the End of his Dynasty – An Exegesis of the Kunxue Jiwen by Wang Yinglin)
November 26 1991: Diploma in Mathematics (major) and Theoretical Physics (minor), University of Munich. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helmuth Zöschinger. Thesis Title: Die Injektive Decke von Moduln über kommutativen Ringen (The Injective Cover over Modules on Commutative Rings)
February to August 1992: Study of Russian language at Volgograd University (Volgograd, Russia)
Fellowships, Grants and Prizes
January 2007 to December 2008: Postdoc scholar at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei
August 2002 to August 2004: Feodor-Lynen-Scholarship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for research at the Arizona State University (Tempe AZ, USA)
July 1998 to June 2000: Ph. D. Scholarship by University of Munich
February 1999 to March 2000: Studies at National Taiwan University in Taipei, sponsored by the „German Academic Exchange Service“ (DAAD)
August 1994 to August 1996: Study of Modern and Classical Chinese language at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, sponsored by a scholarship of the R.O.C. Foreign Ministry
1986: First Prize in Germany’s „Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik” (Federal Mathematics Contest). Consequently elected scholarship holder of the „Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes“ (German National Merit Foundation)
Membership of Professional Associations
German Association of Chinese Studies (Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien, DVCS). Chairman
German Confucian Society (Deutsche Konfuzianische Gesellschaft, DKG). Board Member and Vice Chairman
European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)
European Association of Chinese Philosophy (EACP)
Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
American Oriental Society (AOS)