FOR 2603 2017 – 2023
PD Dr. Katrin Schlund
- F2 – Transition of language/languages
- F3 – Transition of culture/cultures
- Cognitive Grammar
- Impersonal constructions
- Interaction of grammar and discourse
- Politeness in language
- Language and aggression
- Bilinguality and biscriptality
The poetics of conflict: Lexical, grammatical and cognitive analysis of aggressive and argumentative discourse features in contemporary political poetry in Russia and Ukraine.
An Abstract can be found here.
A list of publications can be found here.
Since 07/2019: Private lecturer at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
04/2019–03/2020: Deputy professorship of Slavic linguistics at the University of Cologne, Germany (job-sharing with the regular professor Prof. Dr. Daniel Bunčić)
07/2019: Authorization to teach (venia legendi) in Slavic linguistics, University of Heidelberg
04/2008–03/2019: Assistant professor for Slavic Linguistics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
01/2009: Doctorate in Slavic Linguistics at the University of Heidelberg entitled: Genese und Gebrauch von Höflichkeitsformeln im Serbischen und Deutschen. [Origin and use of politeness formulae in Serbian and German.]
10/1998–11/2004: Bachelor and Master Studies (Magisterstudium) of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian and Russian language and literature, French and political sciences at the University of Mannheim, Germany
Fellowships, Grants and Prices
Since 04/2020: Fellow of the DFG Research Group “Poetry in Transition”
02/2016–08/2016: Acceptance into the management program “Towards a Professorship” for postdoctoral researchers with outstanding scientific achievements, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal government and the federal states achievements
10/2005–03/2007: Doctoral studies at the University of Belgrade, Serbia; scholarship granted by the Serbian government
Memberships of Professional Associations
Cologne Center of Language Sciences (CCLS)
German Association of Slavists
Association of Slavists POLYSLAV
Association of Young Slavists
Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLA)
Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS)
Southeast Europe Association