FOR 2603 2017 – 2023
Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl
Project Manager and Speaker
Management F1-F4
- F1 – Transition of genre/genres
- F2 – Transition of language/languages
- F3 – Transition of cultural boundaries
- F4 – Transition society boundaries
Main Research Areas
- Russian Symbolism, especially Andrej Belyj
- Philosophy of Religion in Russia, especially: a) Sophiology and Vladimir Solov’ev (1853-1900); b) Cusanus Reception in Russia, especially Aleksej Losev (1893-1988)
- Contemporary Russian-Language Poetry (1990-2015), especially: the Subject; Transcendence / Mysticism; Politics and Social Media
Further Research Areas
- Russian Literature from 18th Century Classicism to Contemporary Literature (all genres)
- European Intellectual History / Cultural Relations, especially Russia and Poland
- Comparative Culture and Literature
- Polish Literature and Philosophy from the Renaissance until the 21st Century
- Literary Theory and Genre Theory; Philological Methodology
- Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry, especially on the Internet and Social Media
Poetic Metanoia: Transition of Consciousness in Contemporary Poetry
An exposé can be found here.
Recent publications:
Lyrik als Medium auratischer Naturerkenntnis: Eine Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des Anthropozäns (Ajgi, Keijiro Suga, Christian Lehnert). In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik. Band 1 (2019): Lyrik und Erkenntnis. Herausgegeben von Ralph Müller und Friederike Reents. 119-161. DOI: 10.25353/ubtr-izfk-54f4-f35a. Open Access Link:
Releasing the Creative Self in Transcultural Neo-Tales. Baba Yaga in Jane Yolen’s “Finding Baba Yaga” and Lana Hechtman Ayers’ “Red Riding Hood’s Real Life”. In: Interface. Journal for European Languages and Literatures. Issue 10 (Autumn 2019), pp. 43-57. DOI: 10.6667/interface.10.2019.99. Open Access Link:
Культурный трансфер и субъект в мета–эпосе «Гнедич» Марии Рыбаковой (Cultural Transfer and Subject in Maria Rybakova’s Meta Epic ”Gnedič“). In: Критика и семиотика (Kritik und Semiotik) 1/2019. 40-52 (DOI 10.25205/2307-1737-2019-1-40-52). Open Access Link:
Henrieke Stahl: Sophia im Denken Vladimir Solov’evs. Eine ästhetische Rekonstruktion. Münster: Aschendorff 2019 (Texte und Studien zur Europäischen Geistesgeschichte, Reihe B, Band 18 ).
Gedächtnisraum Literatur – Gedächtnisraum Sprache: Europäische Dimensionen slavischer Geschichte und Kultur. Festschrift für Gerhard und Svetlana Ressel. Herausgegeben von Alexander Bierich, Thomas Bruns, Henrieke Stahl. Frankfurt am Mai, 2019. (= Trierer Studien zur Slavistik, Band 5)
A complete list of publications can be found here.
Current Positions:
Professor for Slavic Literatures, School of Humanities / Fachbereich II, University of Trier
Professor for Slavic Literatures, School of Humanities / Fachbereich II, University of TrierProject Director and Speaker of DFG-Kolleg Research Group (FOR 2603) “Russian-Language Poetry in Transition: Poetic Forms – Addressing Boundaries of Genre, Language, and Culture Across Europe, Asia, and the Americas.”
Director of DFG-Project “Typology of the Subject in Contemporary Russian-language Poetry 1990-2010“
Director of DFG-Project “A Critical Annotated Edition of Andrej Belyj’s ‘Istorija stanovlenija samosoznajuscej duši’”
Vice-President of Kues Academy for the European History of Ideas
Representative of the University of Trier at the Joint Academic Institution of the Universities of Mainz, Oldenburg and Trier at Kues Academy
Current and Former Academic Positions
Since October 2017: Project Director and Speaker of DFG-Kolleg Research Group (FOR 2603) at the University of Trier. First stage until September 2021.
Since 2014: Co-opted Member of the Faculty of Humanities at Saarland University
Since 1st November 2003: Senior Professor (C 3) for Russian and Polish Literature, School of Humanities / Fachbereich II, University of Trier
1st September 2001 – 31. October 2003: Assistant Professor (C 1) at the Chair for Slavic Literature (Prof. Dr. U. Heftrich), Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
14th December 2000: Ph.D. Doctoral Thesis on ‘Renaissance des Rosenkreuzertums. Initiation in Andrej Belyjs Romanen “Serebrjanyj golub’” und “Peterburg”’. [The Renaissance of Rosicrucianism. Initiation in Andrej Belyj‘s Novels “Serebrjanyj golub’” and “Peterburg”]. (Grade: ‘summa cum laude‘)
1st April 1996 – 31st August 2001: Lecturer for Slavic Literatures at the Chair for Slavic Philology (Prof. Gerhard Ressel), School of Humanities / Fachbereich II, University of Trier
25th March 1996: M.A. Master’s Thesis on: “Ästhetische Prinzipien und Stilverfahren im literarischen Werk des späten Andrej Belyj“. [Aesthetic Principles and Style Methods in the Late Literary Work of Andrej Belyj] (Grade: first-class honors)
Prizes and Awards
19th June 2017: nominated by German Research Foundation (DFG) as ‘Member’ in AcademiaNet – Expert Database for Outstanding Female Academics
15th June 2016: Honorary Member of Akademija Zaumi (Meždunarodnaja otmetina imeni otca russkogo futurista Davida Burljuka)
14th November 2001: University of Trier Research Award for Ph.D. thesis
Member of Zentrum für Europäische Studien (ZES) at the University of Trier, Deputy Director and Board Member of ZES
Member of German Association of University Professors and Lecturers
Member of German Association of Slavists
Member of International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL)
Co-founder and Deputy Chair of Trierer Freundeskreis der Universität e.V.
Founder member of Kueser Akademie e.V. Deputy Chair, Deputy Director, Board Member and Member of the Scientific Initiative Committee (Founded in October 2009)
Executive director and Board Member of Gemeinsame Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Universitäten Mainz, Oldenburg und Trier an der Kueser Akademie e.V.
Associate of Cusanus Hochschule Charitable Trust, Bernkastel-Kues, from 2014 until 2019
Co-founder and co-editor of Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für Europäische Geistesgeschichte (biannual publication since 2010, a total of 18 volumes)
Founder and executive editor of Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik (Open Access, Peer Review, Pilot Project OJS of the University of Trier), since 2019. Volume 1 published, volume 2 in preparation.
Member of scientific advisory board of Zeitschrift für Slawistik (from 2011 until 2019)
Member of comitato scientifico (scientific advisory board) of Filosofia. Rivista annuale (since 2019)
Book Series
Co-founder and co-editor of the international book series Lyrik-Forschung. Neue Arbeiten zur Theorie und Geschichte der Lyrik (in cooperation with Dieter Lamping, Frieder von Ammon, Ricarda Bauschke-Hartung, Anna Fattori). Metzler. Beginning in 2020. Volume 1 in preparation.
Co-editor of the series Schriften zur Weltliteratur/Studies on World Literature (in cooperation with Dieter Lamping, lmmacolata Amodeo, David Damrosch, Elke Sturm-Trigonakis, Markus Winkler). Metzler. Since 2016. 9 volumes.
Founder and co-editor of the international book series Neuere Lyrik. Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Studien (in cooperation with Dmitrij Bak, Hermann Korte, Hiroko Masumoto, Stephanie Sandler). Since 2013: 8 volumes.
Co-founder and co-editor of the series Philosophie interdisziplinär (in cooperation with Harald Schwaetzer). 49 volumes.
Co-editor of the series Trierer Abhandlungen zur Slavistik (12 volumes, 5 of which have been co-edited since 2004); since 2014: Trierer Studien zur Slavistik (6 volumes)