FOR 2603 2017 – 2023
Transition – A Paradigm of World Society in the 21st Century
German-Japanese Symposium of Kobe University
in Cooperation with Trier University
and DFG-Centre of Advanced Studies FOR 2603: Poetry in Transition
16 Oct.-17 Oct. 2019, Kobe University
Wednesday, 16 Oct.
Prof. Dr. Hiroko Masumoto, Vice President of Kobe University
Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Takeda, President of Kobe University
Prof. Dr. Michael Jäckel, President of Trier University
Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl, Trier University, Project Leader of DFG-Center of Advanced Studies FOR 2603
10:30-11:00 Keynote:
Prof. Dr. Michael Jäckel (Sociology), President of Trier University: Leading and Responding – Universities and the »Digital Turn«
11:10-13:10 I. International Economic Preferences and Behaviour
Prof. Dr. Masahiko Yoshii (Economics, Kobe, Executive Vice President): Cultural Differences of Economic Behaviours between Japan and Europe
Prof. Dr. Marc Rieger (Economics, Trier): Nationalism and Economic Preferences among Students in Europe and East Asia
Dr. Sumit Deole (Economics, Trier): How do new immigration flows affect existing immigrants?
Prof. Yunfang Hu (Economics, Kobe): Cultural Difference and Trade Patterns
13:10-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30-17:00 II. Inter- and Transnationality
Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich (Sociology, Oldenburg): Europe between economic integration and socio-cultural fragmentation. The example of southern and eastern European peripheries
Prof. em. Dr. Kiyomitsu Yui (Sociology, Kobe): Cosmopolitan Vision and / or Clash of Civilizations : In Relation to East Asian Community(?)and EU
Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich (Political Science, Trier): Humanity, humankind and the international community
Prof. Dr. Noriyuki Inoue (Law, Kobe): Constitutionalism beyond national-boarder as the universal value
17:30-19:00 Dinner Reception
Thursday, 17 Oct.
10:00-12:30 III. Lyric and Society
Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zymner (Comparative Literature, Wuppertal): Lyric in social fields and in the world
Prof. Dr. Andreas Regelsberger (Japanese Studies, Trier): Poetry, Play and Society in Current Japanese sararīman senryū
Prof. Dr. Christian Soffel (Chinese Studies, Trier): Ritual, Performance and Ideology: Transition Paradigms of Early Classical Chinese Shi Poetry in the 21st Century
Prof. Dr. Hiroko Masumoto (German Literature, Kobe): Poems as Stones: Ryoichi Wago and Yoko Tawada
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-17:00 IV. Nature and Anthropocene
Prof. Dr. Heike Paul (American Studies, Erlangen-Nürnberg): Surviving Katrina: Disaster and the Afro-Pessimist Imaginary
Prof. Dr. Lore Hühn (Philosophy, Freiburg): The discourse about the Anthropocene. A new philosophy of nature in the 21st century?
Prof. Dr. Antje Bruns (Geography, Trier): Societal Relations to Nature in the Anthropocene – Transitions and Transformations
Prof. em. Dr. Nobuo Kazashi (Philosophy, Kobe): In Search of „Human Milieu“ Lost: Reflections on the Kyoto School Philosophers’ Itineraries between Nishida and Heidegger
Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl (Slavic Studies, Trier): Metaphysics of Nature in Contemporary Poetry
Assoc. Prof. Yuho Hisayama (German Literature and Philosophy, Kobe): Self-Consciousness and ki: Reading H. v. Kleist from an East Asian Perspective.
17:00-17:10 Closing
Prof. Dr. Hiroko Masumoto, Kobe University
Prof. Dr. Henrieke Stahl, Trier Uniersity
Der Bericht der Kobe-Universität zu der Konferenz „Transition – A Paradigm of World Society in the 21st Century“ in japanischer Sprache
Der Bericht ist auch über die Website der Kobe-Universität abrufbar: https://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/NEWS/info/2019_11_07_02.html
German-Japanese Symposiumを開催しました
10月16日及び17日、神戸大学にて、協定校であるトリーア大学(ドイツ)と共催で、German-Japanese Symposium ‘Transition – A Paradigm of World Society in the 21st Century’を開催しました。トリーア大学はドイツ中西部に位置する1473年に創立された州立大学で、本学は、2015年6月に大学間学術交流協定を締結し、人文・社会科学系分野において学生交換及び研究交流を活発に行ってきました。このシンポジウムは、日独の研究者による研究成果を共有するとともに、新たな国際共同研究の創出を目指して、ドイツ研究振興協会の支援を受けて開催したものです。
シンポジウムでは、武田廣学長、Michael Jäckel(ミヒャエル・イェッケル)トリーア大学長及びHenrieke Stahl(ヘンリーケ・シュタール)トリーア大学教授からの開会の挨拶に続いて、イェッケル学長による、’Leading and Responding – Universities and the »Digital Turn«’と題した、デジタル化が進む社会における大学や知識のあり方について論じた基調講演が行われました。